Saturday, February 20, 2010

Valentines Days

Two nights before Valentines I got this craving for a layered cake. (Since Schmidt's Bakery is now 3 hours away I had to be creative). I made two heart shaped cake French vanilla cakes and froze them. The next morning I cut each of them in in half and started my experimental cake. I had some left over raspberry canned filling ( from an earlier Cheese Cake craving) and some cream cheese frosting left over (from yet another St. Patrick's day Cupcakes craving) and I started to layer. Cake, filling, cake, cream cheese frosting, cake, filling, cake and all over Cream Cheese frosting. I then added some poof and pizazz to the top and edges and Ta-Da!

It Tasted Fantastic!

Then as I went shopping for something for dinner (mainly something different) and I found London Broil for a great price and thought "Hey I can figure out something to make with this." Needless to say I did but it was suppose to marinade for 48 hours. (that was a day too late.) So I only waited 24 hours.

We pulled out the fancy dishes and had a nice family Valentines. Dinner turned out pretty good and the kids loved eating a "fancy" dinner at their house. Kora and Parker even used their cloth napkins and little glass cups. They were adorable.


Justin and Tasha said...

If your craving cake, it must be a girl !!! I had the cake craving with both my girls !!!