Monday, December 1, 2008

Parker's Packing Skills

Last Friday I was packing the kids stuff to take over to Nana and Papa's house you know, pajamas, blankets, etc. Well I had the diaper bag taken care of and had placed the overflow (pajamas) into Parker's little travel bag on wheels. Usually I let Parker pack one of his toys to take and play with so it didn't surprise me that he began to pack his new train in the bag. I thought was so cute that I just let him finish putting the track and road signs in as well. We arrived at my parents and I was telling my mom how cute Parker was with his packing I opened the bag to pull put one of the train pieces and inside I found another "cute" item Parker had packed without me knowing. I pull out a bowl of Ramen Noodles, fork and all, from the bag. It was his bowl from lunch that had been left on the table, I guess Parker was worried that he wouldn't be fed what he wanted during his visit.


Annette said...

Ha! Ha! No wonder the kid is so skinny, he has to fend for himself!