Monday, October 13, 2008

Growing Up Too Fast

Kora is learning so much, so fast. I keep telling her to stop and be my little baby but she doesn't think that's a good idea. She wants to be able to keep up with and defend herself from her brother. Not that Parker is brutal, he just loves her way too much and give intense loves. She looks like she's having fun huh?!

Kora has mastered the crawl, she is no longer an army crawler. She is a full fledged four appendage crawler. (And she's already too fast for me, aaaahhhh)

Then out of no where she stood up and smiled. Kora is already trying to move thost adorable toes to walk. NOooooo!!!! Not yet!!!

To make it even more of a treat she smiles with those dimples to show us how amazing she knows she is.

Kora found that she can see herself in the oven door!! She was so intrigued with herself I couldn't help but take a "few" pictures.

This one she was practicing standing on the outside of the laundry basket and then out of nowhere she was suddenly inside the basket practicing. The tumble in the proccess didn't even phase her.


Luke McDermott Jr said...

I hear you, kids grow up way too fast!!