Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Family Halloween

Every year my mom gets a huge food filled party together with all my aunts, uncles and cousins and this year was just as great as ever. Here are a few pictures of all the gang.

My mother made all the costumes you see here (left to right: Tigger was bought cuz it was adorable, Jessie, Peter Pan, Little Bo Peep, Tinkerbell)

Kora and Chase were getting to know each other. I think Kora moves so much that Chase can't keep up. He loves to just stare at her and wonder. Give them a few more months and these cousins will be unstoppable. (They are only 2 months apart.)

Cool teenage boys holding the cute babies, not something you see every day.

This is a picture of the amazing food we sampled, it's always so good.


Tawny said...

Nicole I am so excited to find your blog...Seriously how cute are your Kids!!!!
It was so nice to read about your guys and catch up a bit...
Come see my blog At

Amber Lee said...

What?! Did she even make the Jessi costume? Bailey was Jessi once, but we borrowed a purchased costume. Tell her she's amazing. Oh, and tell her the pumpkin candle she gave me is still my favorite (and nicest) Halloween decoration, the one thing I'm super proud to put out every year! :-)

Annie said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun. Dale says that you guys have cute kids.