Thursday, March 17, 2011

It Was A Green Day!

We celebrated the Irish in style today. Not with traditional corn beef or leprechauns or even a bit of pinching. We celebrated Green Day! We ate green eggs and green orange juice for breakfast. We ate green cupcakes and green frosting in graham crackers. For lunch we dyed chicken noodle soup green and had green kool-aide. We then finished off the day with green beans, green biscuits and green cauliflower. (plus some other stuff in between to make each one a meal) It was so much fun watching the kids try the green food and then tell me it tasted the same as the "yellow" eggs or the "orange" juice.
The kids ran around telling everyone they met that it was Green Day and showing off their cute green shirts they got this morning. I'm surprised Parker didn't show off his green underware he just happened to find in honor of the day. Kora was even decked out in green hair ribbons, and green fingernail polish.


Bryan Jenny Macady Chase said...

Macady says, "Hello!".

Message from Chase, "5tuk]; k,'o,l;yyynu yiu jukkic6uaa."