Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Two Nights At Primary Children's Hospital

Well Parker has had his current least favorite memory so far. It' s a good thing he won't remember it. (smile) We had a little scare on Valentine's Day Parker was sent from the pediatrician to the emergency room at Primary Children's Hospital for x-rays. We found out our little one had RSV. So after the three IV pricks to find a vein, a visit from the suction tube to clean out the nostrils and x-rays we were admitted to a room. Come to find out the hospital is a little packed so we roomed in the Neuroscience Trauma Unit in isolation. Hey it was a room and we were told it was lucky to be assigned a bed.

Parker, Mom, and Dad spent Thursday and Friday night in the hospital and it was quite a tearful experience for all. (especially Nana) We have all been home since Saturday with a little oxygen on the go. Tonight is the last night and Parker can be freed from his long cord of oxygen. (Can you believe the cord is so long he can go all the way down stairs to watch T.V. and then back to his room to play on the length of cord they gave us?) Thanks to all those we could come visit us and were praying for us.


Dutley said...

My poor poor nephew this just breaks my heart. I'm so glad he's doing better though. We love you all.

Sidsie and Derek said...

I am glad that he is doing better. Hopefully he will not have to ever spend the night in hospital again.

Amber Lee said...

Ok, I feel like the worst friend ever. Did I even know about this? If I did, I'm a terrible person, because I felt like I was just reading it all for the first time. I'm glad he's doing better. How scary to end up in Primary Children's! Yikes! At least they're good people, right?