Thursday, December 10, 2009

Gingerbread Tradition

We weren't able to do the big Gingerbread house party at my Aunt's house this year but no worries, my mother helped me make the gingerbread during our trip for Thanksgiving.
We brought it home to put it together with the kids and . . . Well . . . it's a much simpler version this year.
We were doing great while the kids were making their cookie trees, the walkway and putting up the Christmas Lights but then they crashed! It was fun while it lasted and boy did we have a sugar rush afterwards.


Anonymous said...

Great Gingerbread house!! It is definately more creative than ours which gives me some new ideas for next year.
I don't have any memories of my family making them but T's family always did and we thought it was a fun tradition we wanted to do in our family, so far Bry has loved it. :)